Legion Speedway

NEW DATE for The Jack Cook Memorial Race Night
JULY 5th  Postponed
NEW DATE for The Jack Cook Memorial Race Night

NEW DATE for The Jack Cook Memorial Race Night

8/20/2024 -
Wentworth, NH. - Hello everyone who visits the website. Just wanted to give you all an update on our summer racing this season and the new date for
JULY 5th  Postponed

JULY 5th Postponed

7/2/2024 -
Wentworth, NH - News regarding Friday night racing on July 5th. We are going to postpone this weeks event to next week July 12th. When our schedule


NEW DATE for The Jack Cook Memorial Race Night

NEW DATE for The Jack Cook Memorial Race Night

Wentworth, NH. - Hello everyone who visits the website. Just wanted to give you all an update on our summer racing this season and the new date for the Jack Cook memorial race. With the original date for the Jack Cook Memorial race night being rained out, the new date...more
JULY 5th  Postponed

JULY 5th Postponed

Wentworth, NH - News regarding Friday night racing on July 5th. We are going to postpone this weeks event to next week July 12th. When our schedule was made earlier in the year it was a thought not to race the 5th of July with so many things going on for the holiday...more
Mud Season is here

Mud Season is here

Wentworth NH - Well let's hope the snow is gone and the heavy rains hold off until at least September. So it's been a little bit since I have posted here on the website. Just going to give you a little bit of stuff I have been working on. One thing I would like to say is...more
2024 Schedule

2024 Schedule

Wentworth, NH- Our 2024 schedule is now posted on here on our website. As we go into our third year of promoting Legion Speedway, we continue to grow NH's only weekly dirt track. We have some new partners to promote and hoping you racers and race fans support them when...more

Just some notes from the past few months


Legion Speedway

Just some notes from the past few months

Just wanted to add some news on here and see if anyone actually reads the stories or looks at the website.

Not much has been going on since I had closed up the track for the winter. We were hoping to put some new clay on the track and let it sit all winter but it didn't happen. So maybe we see what the spring weather will be like. We do not have a banquet like some tracks, mostly due to the cost. To book a facility and have a good banquet it would be another cost for the teams. Some in the industry have great banquets where everyone has fun and enjoys a night out with there racing friends. On the other side you most likely see those friends many many times during racing season and even when its not. My opinion is do something nice with your family or race team instead of buying some $60 or $80 ticket to a banquet. I did banquets with SCoNE and it was very hard to pick a date that works for most of the people and then you have to charge them. And in some cases when you possibly add alcohol and competitive people they don't mix well. So anyway just my thoughts on why I don't do a banquet.
I went the PRI Show in early December. For those who don't know what that is, Performance Racing Industry is for anyone involved with the automotive industry in so many ways. It is a big convention that takes place in Indianapolis which is mainly the racing side of the automotive industry. There is a trade show where many part suppliers and new products can be seen. Many drivers go there to get sponsorships and such. In my opinion that is very hard to do there but I am sure it happens. Many drivers go to spend time in the sponsors booth to promote the product or announce new things. The reason why I attend these type of events is because of the education classes offered to race tracks and such. This is a great way to network with other track owners and promoters across the country in all type of motorsports. Great way to share ideas about what works and what does not. Many things you see happening at some tracks in New England are basically from ideas from other tracks. Not many tracks from the northeast go these events but there are a few that always do. Networking with some very talented people works. They have many seminars on many subjects, social media is always a big topic with standing room only. We all use social media to try and promote an event or events. Problem is someone that has not been to your venue or didn't like how there favorite driver was treated go right to the comment section and bitch about everything. That is why I never read those comments, it will make you want to reply and that would not be good. For me anyways... But those classes do tell all the positive things too, like how it all works to make a good show. Every track across the country has the same problem with keyboard warriors. Most have a person who handles social media for them, unfortunately we do not. My Race Pass does a great job with hosting some classes on websites. Legion uses this service. Our problem is I do not have the time or someone to use MRP to its full potential. There is a full thee days of seminars to just learn so much. Too much to talk about in this post. Maybe I will have to go on a podcast or something.
Also before PRI starts I attend the RTBC which is Race Track Business Conference . This event is where people from all over the globe discuss things about owning a race track. All different types of tracks from F1 to private roadcourse to a shithole like Legion. Shithole is a very common term used towards short tracks. From what I learned there are many shitholes around the US. Glad to be part of a select group...I guess.
In the photo you see a poster board of one of the break out sessions during the show. "RACING.... IT'S NOT A COMPETITON" This was a discussion on if tracks work together and with, racers, and series. The sport would be in a better place.
Again unfortunately you won't see that here with the dirt tracks of New England. Just my opinion not trying to start any shit here.
If you got this far, thanks for reading.
Our biggest struggle at Legion Speedway is finding help to make each Friday night work. If you know anyone willing to help or looking to work at a race track please have them reach out to me. I am always looking for good people, below is a list of what I need either weekly or even a back up.

SCORING... Need someone to run the MyLaps Scoring system
TRACK CREW... A towing service or wrecker driver, corner workers, track safety,
TRACK PA ANNOUNCER to work with Norm

Always looking for local business to sponsor a race night or division , every little bit helps...
I could go on and on about some things , but just want to see how many people read this article. Thank you,

It does not cost anything to be nice to people

Submitted By: Ron Giroux

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